
Skin-reducing mastectomy and prepectoral reconstruction in patients with BRCA mutation

Artículos Cirugía reconstructiva

Skin Graft to cover a Skin Breast Necrosis

Skin graft is one of the most indispensable techniques in surgery and are used in a variety of clinical situations, such as traumatic wounds, defects after oncologic resection or burn reconstruction. Skin grafts are generally classified as split-thickness or full-thickness…
Artículos Cirugía reconstructiva Técnicas quirúrgicas

Porcine Model for training in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery

Breast surgeons need specific training in oncoplastic and reconstructive procedures for planning a surgery specific to the breast and the tumor (1,2,3). This training requires a training model whose anatomical and technical bases are similar to the human in order…

Breast abscesses in breastfeeding women

Some women develop a breast abscess while breastfeeding, called a lactational breast abscess. An abscess is a collection of infected fluid within the breast tissue. The aim of treatment is to cure the abscess quickly and effectively, ensuring maximum benefit…

2019 Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course

Curso sobre Técnicas Oncoplásticas y Reconstructivas de la Mama (Edición 2019) Organizado por: Xerencia de Xestión Integrada A Coruña (Visitar Web) Fundación Profesor Novoa Santos (visitar Web) Centro Tecnológico de Formación (Ver Instalaciones) Solicitada Acreditación al: Sistema Acreditador de Formación Continuada de…

4ª Edición: Cirugía Oncológica de la Mama. Técnicas Oncoplásticas y Reconstructivas

Pre-visualizado en:   Google Disponible en:   Elsevier    Axón    Amazon La cuarta edición de esta obra ha introducido nuevos capítulos que abordan la nueva realidad quirúrgica de la mujer con cáncer de mama y, al mismo tiempo, expone nuevos procedimientos técnicos que…

Reconstrucción Mamaria Prepectoral (Reconstrucción preservadora de Músculo)

La reconstrucción mamaria prepectoral, tambien denominada "preservadora de músculo", es un procedimiento que posibilita la restauración de la mama en un sólo acto quirúrgico y con un mínimo disturbio funcional en la mujer. Consiste en la colocación del implante mamario…
Artículos Técnicas emergentes Técnicas quirúrgicas

Cáncer de Mama en Venezuela. 4M: Más Mutilación Más Mortalidad

La revista Lancet ha publicado durante este mes de agosto un reportaje sobre la situación de las mujeres venezolanas con cáncer de mama debido a las limitaciones terapéuticas que sufre el país. En este artículo de Lancet (pdf, 408kb), nuestros compañeros…
Artículos Noticias

Bilateral Abdominal Flap for Thoracic Recurrence in Breast Cancer

This flap is comprised of the skin of the upper abdominal region, the hypochondrium, which, after being released from the abdominal wall, is mobilized cephalically toward the thorax. Its use in oncological surgery provides coverage of large defects in the thorax after…

Vertical Mammoplasty in pregnant woman with phyllodes tumor recurrence

This 36-year-old pregnant woman has a recurrence of phyllodes tumor in her left breast with a size of 6 cm. A vertical pattern has been designed for tumor removal and breast remodeling. The pathological study of the surgical piece showed…
Artículos Cirugía conservadora Técnicas quirúrgicas

Predictive factors of satisfaction and quality of life after immediate breast reconstruction using the BREAST-Q

Our Breast Unit publishes a study on Predictive factors of satisfaction and quality of life after immediate breast reconstruction using the BREAST-Q in the Journal of Clinical Nursing. In this study the domains on the BREAST-Q© for quality of life with the lowest…

Single Port through Radial Access

Radial access is the most frequent procedure for a single port in breast-conserving surgery because the high frequency of tumors in this anatomical area. The planning of this access is made through a radial incision of 4-5 cms located in the…
Artículos Técnicas emergentes Técnicas quirúrgicas
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