Radioguiaded lateral Access for Segmentary Microcalcifications


Multifocal/multicentric tumors make it necessary to identify the limits of the lesion, especially in patients with tumors with microcalfications. This difficulty is frequent in extensive multicentric/multifocal lesions, generally non-palpable, that require extensive anatomical resection and are characteristic of tumors in situ in large areas of microcalcifications. The main conflict of these lesions is their anatomical delimitation for a resection with free margin, which makes it necessary, in a significant group of patients, the placement of several harpoons. These lesions are the most controversial for breast conservation because the existence of an extensive in situ component, characteristic of most of these patients, hinders and compromises the viability of disease-free margins.

Presentación1This video shows the realization of a segmental resection of the breast through a radioguided location carried out from a lateral access